Microsoft Hololens
Augmented Reality Game - 2015
[UX Designer/Art Director/Motion Designer/3D Animator]
Goal: Define and create the interactive menu system that keeps players immersed in the experience.
Roboraid is an Augmented Reality 3D Shooter. The Space Invaders in this game look as if they are bursting through the walls of your real life surroundings!
This was by far the coolest technology I’ve ever designed for. I created a diagetic menu that appears from the surface that it’s placed on. Selections are targeted with head movement, and completed with Hololens-specific hand gestures, following the patterns of the point-and-shoot gameplay.
HUD and diegetic UI elements:
Creating the concept for this Main Title was a lot of fun - building it as an interactive 3D experience to run on the Hololens was a much bigger challenge.
Main Title pre-visualization
I worked with tech artists to reassemble our vision in Unity.
Behind the scenes - Getting real nerdy with the technical details:
Actual gameplay footage captured on-device
Visual assets isolated for the launch day T-shirt: